Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Magic Recipe'


    Hello All the Wonderful People! Missed me?? Well I certainly missed all the action in the blogging world. I can't believe its almost June! That means almost half of the year whizzed past. I tried not to be away from the web for so-oooooooooo long but couldn't help it! But I do have a lot to share and that is precisely why I decided to have a l'il chit-chat with y'all in this post. A lot of things happened to me in the past 5 months, my l'il doll started her schooling, I had a favorable surge in my career, life became fast-paced for Hubby and me, my son passed with flying colors, I was reconnected to two of my very good friends after 14 years.
      Life is a roller-coaster ride, full of ups and downs. As a working Mom I now find it hard to spare time for myself, but hey this also helped me deal with the painful loss of a teenaged cousin of mine who was very dear to me. It was sudden and unexpected and so hit me real hard, I read a lot of spiritual texts to deal with it and courtesy my hectic schedule I was able to overcome that feeling of deep remorse. I read this wonderful  short story which had a magical impact on me and so I've decided to share it with you, hope it wields its magic on you guys too!! So here it goes...
      A little boy is telling his Grandma how "everything" is going wrong everywhere. He has been facing problems at school, and if that is not enough, there are family problems, besides severe health problems in the family. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake.
 She asks her grandson if he would like a snack, which of course he says, he does. 
"Here, have some cooking oil", she says.
"Yuck", says the boy.
"Then how about a couple of raw eggs?"
"Gross, Grandma!" he replies.
"Would you prefer some flour then? Or maybe some baking powder?" she asks.
"Grandma! What's wrong with you! Those are all yucky!!" he replies.
To which Grandma replies:"Yes, all those things taste bad if served alone, all by themselves. But when they are mixed together in the right amounts and in the right manner, they combine together to make a delicious cake!!"
     She added further, "God works the same way. Many times we wonder why he lets us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things in the order He wants, they work wonders for us, and they eventually make us strong so they are for our own good. We just have to trust Him, and eventually, they will all make something Wonderful of us!!"
    So simple yet so meaningful, to me it turned out to be the magic recipe' that zipped me out of the blue. I believe God answers all our queries we just have to be willing enough to listen. You may or may not agree with me but anyway thanks for visiting my Blog and for hearing me out. My next post will be about dealing with difficult people as I've already committed to you guys. I never write about anything unless I'm sure of its effectivity. I have researched well enough on this topic and have vast personal experience in this regard too, thanks to all the difficult people I've come across so far in my life(Sigh), in fact I'm all set to try the techniques I've learned on the most difficult person in my life currently. Have my fingers crossed!! Will keep you posted. Till then Choose Well and Live smartly!!


Monday, 2 January 2012

How to Build Strong Relationships!

Hi Friends!! I know I have been away for long this time, was spending quality time with my family and friends. It’s great to connect to all my friends through networking sites, but it cannot undermine the value of actually meeting each other, which exudes so much warmth, strengthening our bonding. So I was busy socializing and connecting. We human beings are social animals; we need to be connected to others. We live and thrive on relationships and therefore it’s important that we build strong relationships with those we love. A nurturing relationship can make you whiz past all the challenges of life. A bad relationship can on the other hand, make your life a living hell. However, a certain amount of conflict exists in all relationships. A successful relationship needs some investment of time and understanding. Here are some effective ways to build meaningful relationships:
  •          REVIVE the FAMILY DINNER HOUR, in whatever way works best for you! One of the key factors for strengthening family ties is having a family dinner, where family members can connect, slow down, share problems, and plan for the next day.
  •          Block unpleasant memories to stay calm and positive. Remember positive people are not easily drawn into conflicts and have strong relationships.
  •          Socialize with a cheerful person in your neighborhood to feel happy.
  •          Avoid character judgments and abuse of your family members, when they make a mistake. Harsh words tend to break relationships.
  •          Your child is an individual. Don’t stifle his/ her independence. Try to be friendly and not assertive.
  •          Carve out special one-on-one time for your spouse and kids every day.
  •          Spend more time with your friends for a dose of happy hormones as well as lifelong bonding. If they stay far away, try to stay in touch through cell phones or social networking sites.
  •          Communicate frequently with your spouse to cope with marital anger and rift. Remember your partner’s positives to get rid of anger. Use pronouns such as “we”, “us” and “our” during a marital rift.
  •          Respect your partner’s interests as well as work demands to minimize conflicts. If your spouse is dealing with hectic schedules and time constraint, try to be more understanding and less demanding, because that is probably what your partner needs the most at that time.
  •         Share chores with your partner for a happier couple life, your partner will love the initiative and will sure try to do the same for you, this way you’ll get to spend more time with each other too. 
  •          Spend some time with your parents daily, even if it’s for 15 minutes so they don’t feel neglected. Call them daily if they live faraway.
  •         Last but not the least; make peace with the key relationships in your life for a better present and future. You can’t live without them anyway, so why not learn to live with them peacefully!
  •         However if unfortunately you are stuck in an abusive relationship or have some really difficult people as your relatives, you need to know tips to tackle such people. Watch out for my next post that contains tips to deal with difficult people.
These pearls of wisdom come from behavioral therapists and people with strong family ties. Try them for long-lasting relationships and a better you.