Wednesday, 24 December 2014

My Poetical Meanderings!!

Hello dear friends!!
 Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!!
I used to write poems when I was in college. Post marriage I hardly got time for writing, but this year I penned down a few lines for my Christmas and New Year Wish list.
 Here it goes.....
           My Christmas Wish list...
Where smiles are plenty and no one wears a frown,
 Where friends are always there for you and no-one's let down;
                   Where people are accepted without any pretence,
And jokes are taken in good humor without any offence;
           Where laughter is freely shared and also the mood blues,
And friends enjoy together life's myriad hues;
            Where petty issues are resolved and there's no past emotional baggage,
Into that wonderful world of Friendship dear Santa! Let us all awake!!
           The poem's loosely inspired by "Where the mind's without fear" by Sri Rabindra Nath Tagore.   So what's your wish list for Christmas :)