Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Hello dear friends!! Wanted to add some color to my study table.  I had this old terracotta bell, which I had painted a year ago, recently its chain got broken. I was about to discard it, when I suddenly had an idea. I could repaint it and use it as a colorful vignette on my study table and this is precisely what I did. Have a look..

But it certainly added a dash of color to my study table. Any kind of cheerfulness is welcome. I could have bought a colored bell, saw some really good ones at Shopo recently. But that's not the point. I'm in a profession which requires me to deal with sick people. I love to help them, my joy knows no bounds when they get well. But dealing with agony is not always easy! Sometimes it unnerves me, especially when I see young people suffering from Hypertension and Diabetes or serious diseases. Unfortunately such cases are on rise. I'm trying to create awareness about healthy lifestyle. You can stay healthy just by making subtle but smart switches in your day to day life.Hope people are listening!
          I seek refuge in painting and writing poems, because I get completely absorbed in these pursuits. It is essential to pursue such creative activities to stay positive. Time to signout. Linking to Patty's link party @Colours Decor. Thanks for visiting my blog. Keep inspiring me as always!!


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