Monday, 7 November 2011

Healthy Recipe, My Way!! Healthy Chocolate Cake Recipe.

Hi Friends! Sorry for being away for a long time. Was caught up in the Festive frenzy, also had a couple of guests. I'm sure you all must be busy celebrating too. By the way I also utilized this time to try my hands at a couple of delicacies, albeit with a healthy switch, my way of-course! In fact worried by the newsflash about the adulteration of sweets, I made all the sweets for Diwali myself. Will share all the recipes one by one.Cooking has been my favorite hobby since I was in High School; now being a Doctor and a Nutritionist I use my knowledge in making healthy switches to all I cook. I decided to share my recipes under "Healthy Recipe, My Way" section through my Blog after witnessing an alarming rise in cases of Hypertension, Diabetes, and Heart Diseases in last 5-6 years, as a practitioner.
      For this post I decided to share with ya al this Egg less Chocolate Cake Recipe. This was the first time I had attempted to bake an egg less cake,and found it to be as tasty as the one with egg. I found an egg less vanilla cake recipe by Sharmilee at Sharmi's Passions, tried the original version with success, thanks to Sharmilee for the accurate proportions; and made a few switches to make the recipe more heart friendly.  After the recipe was approved by the Quality Department( Hubby n kids ^_-), through stringent quality tests( tasting n re-tasting) I finally had the confidence to share it through my blog.
Here's the recipe, I've retained the basic proportions of Sharmilee's recipe and added a few ingredients.

  1.       Refined Flour-1 and a half cup;
  2.       Thick curd- 1 and 1/4 cup
  3.       EV Olive Oil- 1/4 cup
  4.       Baking Pd- 1 and 1/4 tsp
  5.       Baking Soda- 1/2 tsp
  6.       Sugar- 1 cup ( may use 3/4 cup for less sweet version)
  7.       Cocoa Pd- 3 tsp
  8.       Almonds, Walnuts, Raisins- a handful

  • In a mixing bowl sieve together Refined flour or Maida and Cocoa Pd. Do it twice so that the mix is uniformly blended . See the pics below-

  •  Add chopped Almonds, Walnuts, and Raisins to the mix and coat them with the flour mix using your hand, this step will ensure that the dry fruits will not settle to the bottom of the batter upon baking. Here're the pics to illustrate this further-

  •  Keep the mix aside.
  • In a separate mixing bowl, mix with a blender/ whipper, curd and sugar, till the sugar dissolves completely.
  • Add Baking Pd and Baking Soda to the above mix and blend the ingredients well.

  •   Leave aside the mix for 5 minutes, the mix will appear frothy now. See the pic below

  • Now add the flour mix to the mix above in small portions, stirring continuously to blend them well and to avoid lump formation.
  • Blend the entire mix well with a blender/ whipper to form a smooth and thick paste like batter.
  • Preheat the Oven.
  • Meanwhile, layer a cake tin with greased butter paper and pour the cake batter into it.
  • Set your Oven Temperature to 200 degree C, and place the cake tin with batter in the preheated Oven. Bake at this temp. for 10 minutes.
  • Now reduce the Oven Temperature to 180 degree C and bake further for 30-35 minutes.
  • Insert a clean toothpick in the center of the cake, if it comes out clean then the cake is fully baked, else cover the top of the cake with a butter paper and bake it for further 5 min.
  • Let the cake cool for 10 min. and then invert the tin over a plate.
  • Slice the cake. Its ready to eat now.

  1. The original recipe was a Vanilla Sponge Cake. I added cocoa pd and skipped vanilla essence to make a Chocolate Cake.
  2. The original recipe had 1 cup of curd and 1/2 cup of veg. oil. But Sharmilee had suggested that the curd's quantity can be raised to 1 and 1/4 with 1/4 cup of veg oil. I used this suggestion and switched the veg oil to EV Olive Oil.
  3. I also added Almonds, Walnuts and Raisins to the recipe.
  4. EV Olive Oil is very good for Heart and has many Anti-oxidant benefits.
  5. The dry fruit options I have used are all well known Cardiac-protectors.
  6. Cocoa Pd adds to the anti-oxidant benefits .
  7. I had also tried this recipe using Whole-wheat flour, the cake was good and loved by my kids but was less spongy.
  8. Using curd instead of eggs is also healthy as eggs are a rich source of Cholesterol.
So try out this Healthy Cake Recipe, and that too without guilt because EV Olive Oil used in this recipe also helps in Weight Reduction, but don't go overboard with the quantity of oil. So what are you waiting for eat away to a healthier and slimmer you. More Health recipes in line for the next posts, so keep watching this space for a smart living!!
  Since Cooking Healthy Recipes is my Favorite thing, am linking to Patty's link Party @ Colour's Decor. 


  1. Hi Dr've a lovely blog...I am going to be an ardent follwoer :) chanced upon your's by Patty's linky party...

  2. wow!! wow!! that looks yummm.. and healthy?? wow!! And yes.. chocolate cakes are my favourite too.. :-)

  3. Very good, I will surely try it.
    I have been baking cakes without eggs, and with whole, and also multi grain wheat, it had always come out well.
    Thanks for the information and the wonderful recipe.

  4. Thanx a lot!
    Its always nice to be appreciated, and if the appreciation comes from such creative n inspiring people like you all, well what else can I say, I'm on Cloud 9..
    Dear Shriya, will soon write a post on that..
    Btw I'm also a featured writer on Great living tips website. Am writing a series of articles on Memory Enhancement, based on the treatments I've been giving to my patients. Here's the link to my latest article..

  5. Thanks for this recipe Charu, it looks quite spongy and I am going to try it out right away!

  6. Will try this sometime,..looks yum,.

  7. Thnx Padmaja n notyet100, for visiting my blog n liking my recipe.
    Vaishnavi, welcome!

  8. Thanks charu, for your feed back! Why dont you start on a small scale by watching YOUTUBE art videos.. a great way to learn..
    BTW, the cake turned out really good:-)


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