Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Healthy Recipe,My Way!!

Papaya Halwa


Raw Papaya (Peeled & grated)-2 cups,

Sugar-3/4 cup,(you may use 1 cup if you prefer it sweeter)

Olive Oil (extra virgin)-2 tsp,

Milk (skimmed)-2 cups,

Cardamom Pd-1/2 tsp,

Khoya, Almonds, Pistachio, Raisins-For garnishing


  • · Microwave grated papaya, on high, in a closed lid microwave safe bowl, for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you may cook it in a pressure cooker, on high flame, to full cooking pressure, and then remove from heat. The idea is to semi cook it, while retaining its nutrients.
  • · Now transfer this semi-cooked papaya to an open vessel/Kadhai, add milk and cook on high flame till the milk boils, then cook it on low flame till the milk dries, stirring occasionally to avoid sticking to the base of the vessel.
  • · The papaya must be fully-cooked and tender now. Now add sugar, mix it well and now cook on high flame, stirring continuously, till it assumes a golden hue, cook on low flame for 3-4 minutes more. Add cardamom pd, you may use any cardamom but the brown one tastes better in this recipe. Turn off heat.
  • · Now add E. v Olive Oil, remember you must not cook extra virgin olive oil, just add it to the dish when its still hot, it will increase the nutritional value of your dessert and give it an exotic flavor.
  • · Place the dessert in a bowl, add crumbled khoya as garnish.
  • · Garnish liberally with sliced almonds (4-5), pistachios (8-9), raisins.
  • · Relish this extremely healthy dessert while its still hot.

* This variant of Papaya Halwa is extremely healthy especially for Hypertensive, Diabetics may use Sugar-free instead of sugar.

* There are many recipes for making Papaya Halwa but this is the way I make it for my family, now you can see what a health freak I am, but what’s noteworthy is that its instantly swapped up by my hubby and kids, this is the best way I can make them eat papaya :)

* You may use homemade ghee instead of olive oil for your kids, then add it before adding sugar, rest of the procedure being the same.

So this was a healthy dessert recipe for ya al, do try it and feel free to give me feedback, your comments are extremely valuable.

Time out folks, watch this space for more health switches and health tips , remember you must choose well to stay well, so choose smartly.

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